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Begun in 2012, DUMBO Walls a series of outdoor murals packed within a four-block stretch of DUMBO along the BQE.

Shepard Fairey for DUMBO Walls

Shepard Fairey’s Lotus Woman mural encapsulates a number of recurring concerns in the artist’s work, including propaganda, portraiture, and political power. A major artist of the street art movement, Fairey rose to prominence in the early 1990s through the dispersion of posters, stickers, and murals.

MOMO for DUMBO Walls

MOMO is a post-graffiti artist known for his large scale abstract murals. Working with geometry and homemade tools, MOMO creates brightly colored murals that posses a sense of playfulness and experimentation.

Stefan Sagmeister for DUMBO Walls

Stefan Sagmeister is recognized for his unorthodox, provocative designs that question the designer’s role in society. For DUMBO Walls, Sagmeister partnered with illustrator Yuko Shimizu, creating corresponding murals where a fierce Octopus and its tentacles form ‘Yes!’ on one side, and a graphic black and white version covers the opposite wall.

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