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Xvape V-One 2.0


Xvape V-One 2.0

  • The Xvape V-One 2.0 is known for producing a massive amount of vapor from a small amount of concentrate.

    The Xvape V-One 2.0 is known for producing a massive amount of vapor from a small amount of concentrate. The Xvape V-One 2.0 is a portable dab pen with glass bubbler mouthpiece for smooth, water filtered hits. The Xvape V-One 2.0 contains a premium dual quartz coil providing 2 separate temperature settings: Low ( 1200F) and High (1650F). Vaporizering concentrates typically takes higher temperatures which results in overheating and hot vapor output but with the Bubbler Mouthpiece it filters and chills the vapor making it easy to inhale.


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